Facility overview through a Google map embedded

Facility overview through a Google map embedded

Oil injection/withdrawal history table

Oil injection/withdrawal history table

History of bleed-off operations

History of bleed-off operations

Computed energy inventory

Computed energy inventory

Cavern database in LOCAS allows easy addition of new caverns

Cavern database in LOCAS allows easy addition of new caverns

Cavern actual shape from the latest sonar survey

Cavern actual shape from the latest sonar survey

Sonar-survey database for a given cavern

Sonar-survey database for a given cavern

Calculated cavern temperature evolution

Calculated cavern temperature evolution

Facility overview with cavern contours and meshed area

Facility overview with cavern contours and meshed area

Size of meshed area with cavity axes coordinates

Size of meshed area with cavity axes coordinates

Cavern-field layout with complex layer structure and faults

Cavern-field layout with complex layer structure and faults

Cavern-field layout with horizontal layer structure

Cavern-field layout with horizontal layer structure

Analysis of faults stability: Coulomb-criterion contours

Analysis of faults stability: Coulomb-criterion contours

Calculation of the minimum distance between a pair of given caverns

Calculation of the minimum distance between a pair of given caverns

3D Mesh for given model

3D Mesh for given model

Calculated effective-stresses: contour levels at 1000 meter depth

Calculated effective-stresses: contour levels at 1000 meter depth

Mesh and calculated contour levels: vertical slice between centers of two given caverns during a workover

Mesh and calculated contour levels: vertical slice between centers of two given caverns during a workover

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