Published Papers


Zaim, M., Brouard, B., Habbani, H., Djizanne, H., & Hévin, G. (2024). Stability analysis of a salt cavern subjected to rapid depressurization. International Geomechanics Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Brouard, B., Bruinsma, J., Bakker, R., & Baumann, T. (2024). A field-based method to determine pressure solution creep in situ at cavern scale. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, 22-25 September 2024, Edmonton, Canada.


Brouard, B., Delahaye, S., Su, K., & Pichat, A. (2023, October). Geomechanical Evaluation of an Offshore Salt Cavern for Hydrogen Storage. International Geomechanics Symposium.
Berest, P., Gharbi, H., Blanco-Martín, L., Brouard, B., Brückner, D., DeVries, K. L., Hévin, G., Spiers, C. J., & Urai, J. L. (2023, July 19). Salt Creep: Transition Between the Low and High Stress Domains. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
Djizanne, H., Brouard, B., Hévin, G., & Lekoko, C. (2023). Stabilité mécanique à long terme des cavités salines de stockage d’hydrogène. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 177, 3.
Karimi Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2023). Some transient mechanical features of salt caverns behaviour. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 177, 2.
Blanco-Martín, L., Jiménez-Camargo, J. A., Jaworowicz, J., Gharbi, H., Dimanov, A., Bornert, M., & Brouard, B. (2023). Rock salt creep: a cross-check test to cover the full relevant range of deviatoric stresses. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 177, 1.


Benoit Brouard, Vassily Zakharov, & Attilio Frangi. (2022, November 9). Numerical Modeling of the Complex Behavior of Salt Caverns. International Geomechanics Symposium. International Geomechanics Symposium, Abu Dhabi.
Brouard, B., Zakharov, V., & Frangi, A. (2022, November). Numerical Modeling of the Complex Behavior of Salt Caverns. International Geomechanics Symposium.
Djizanne, H., Murillo Rueda, C., Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Hévin, G. (2022). Blowout Prediction on a Salt Cavern Selected for a Hydrogen Storage Pilot. Energies, 15(20), 7755.
Baumann, T. S., Bérest, P., Brouard, B., ter Braack, M., den Hartogh, M., Kaus, B., Klaver, J., Oonk, P., Popov, A., Schmatz, J., Urai, J. L., & Wijermars, E. (2022). CCC - integrated multiscale study of salt cavern abandonment in the Netherlands. In The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X (pp. 567–576). CRC Press.
Pierre Bérest, Hakim Gharbi, Lisa Gordeliy, Didier Jehanno, Benoit Brouard, Laura Blanco-Martin, & Colin Peach. (2022, June 26). Creep Tests on Salt Samples Performed at Very Small Stresses. Proceedings 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. ARMA 2022, Santa Fe, NM.
Jacques, A., Daguet-Schott, C., Billat, A., & Brouard, B. (2022). Optimizing Completions Strategies Using Low-Cost Data Learning. D021S038R001.
Tobias Baumann, Pierre Bérest, Benoit Brouard, Martijn ter Braack, Marinus den Hartogh, Boris Kaus, Jop Klaver, Paul Onk, Anton Popov, Joyce Schmatz, Janos Urai, & Else Wijermars. (2022). CCC - integrated multiscale study of salt cavern abandonment in the Netherlands. SaltMechX, The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X, 10.
Benoit Brouard, & Pierre Bérest. (2022, June 5). Calibration of Rock-Salt Thermal and Mechanical Parameters Based on Available Field Data. SMRI Spring Meeting. SMRI Spring Meeting, Rapid City, SD.
Hippolyte Djizanne, Benoit Brouard, & Pierre Bérest. (2022, June 5). Modeling of the Blowout of Hydrogen Underground Salt Cavern Storage. SMRI Spring Meeting. SMRI Spring Meeting, Rapid City, SD.
Bérest, P., Gharbi, H., Jehanno, D., Peach, C. J., Brouard, B., & Blanco-Martin, L. (2022, June). Creep Tests on Salt Samples Performed at Very Small Stresses. 56th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Londe, L., & Réveillère, A. (2022). Compressed Air Energy Storage: Are the Market and Technical Knowledge Ready? Wiley.
Pierre Bérest, Hakim Gharbi, Lisa Gordeliy, Didier Jehanno, Benoit Brouard, Laura Blanco-Martin, & Chris Peach. (2022, March 5). Creep Tests on Salt Samples Performed at Very Small Stresses. SMRI Spring Meeting. SMRI Spring Meeting, Rapid City, SD.
Hippolyte Djizanne, Benoit Brouard, Pierre Bérest, & Grégoire Hévin. (2022, 30 juin). Modélisation de l’éruption d’une cavité saline de stockage souterrain d’hydrogène. 11èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’ingénieur.
Jacques, A., Daguet-Schott, C., Billat, A., & Brouard, B. (2022). Optimizing Completions Strategies Using Low-Cost Data Learning. Proceedings of the 10th Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
Brouard, B., Djizanne, H., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Hévin, G. (2022). Blowout from a hydrogen storage cavern. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Rapid City, SD, USA.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Gharbi, H., Jehanno, D., Brouard, B., Blanco-Martin, L., & Peach, C. (2022). Creep Tests on Salt Samples Performed at Very Small Stresses. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Rapid City, SD, USA.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., & Berest, P. (2022). Calibration of Rock-Salt Thermal and Mechanical Parameters Based on Available Field Data. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Rapid City, SD, USA.
Hippolyte Djizanne, Carlos Murillo Rueda, Benoit Brouard, Pierre Bérest, & Grégoire Hévin. (2022). Blowout Prediction on a Salt Cavern Selected for a Hydrogen Storage Pilot. Energies Journal.
Antoine Jacques, Clement Daguet-Schott, Antony Billat, & Benoit Brouard. (2022). Optimize completions strategies from Low-cost data learning. URTeC 2022, Houston, TX.


Nguyen, R., Bigno, Y., Serry, A. M., Jacques, A., Jaffrezic, V., & Brouard, B. (2021, September 21). Piloting The 1st Well-Test-Logging In The Middle East, Paving The Way To Low-cost Dynamic Reservoir Characterization And Well Value Optimization. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ACTE), Dubai, Unites Arab Emirates.
Nguyen, R., Jacques, A., Jaffrezic, V., Bigno, Y., Serry, A. M., Zakaria, H., Khan, O. A., Jadallah, O., & Brouard, B. (2021, September). Piloting the 1st Well-Test-Logging in the Middle East, Paving the Way to Low-Cost Dynamic Reservoir Characterization and Well Value Optimization. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Hévin, G., & Réveillère, A. (2021). Tightness of Salt Caverns Used for Hydrogen Storage: Vol. 55th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
Jacques, A., Jaffrezic, V., Brouard, B., Ahmed, S., Serry, A. M., Nguyen, R., & Bigno, Y. (2021, May). WELL-TEST LOGGING TO ENDEAVOR MAPPING THE CARBONATES PERMEABILITY, OFFSHORE ABU DHABI. SPWLA 62nd Annual Online Symposium Transactions.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Zakharov, V. (2021). Creep-Closure rate and induced subsidence in a cluster of salt caverns. SMRI Fall Conference 2021, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Hévin, G., & Réveillère, A. (2021). Tightness of salt caverns used for hydrogen storage. SMRI Spring Meeting, Detroit, MI, USA.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Zakharov, V., & Frangi, A. (2021). Creep‐Closure Rate and Induced Subsidence in a Cluster of Salt Caverns. Proc. SMRI Fall 2021 Technical Conference. Galveston, TX, USA.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Zakharov, V. (2021). Assessment of Cavern Stability: Cavern Clusters Vs. Single Cavern. Proc. SMRI Virtual Conference.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Hévin, G., & Réveillère, A. (2021). Tightness of salt caverns used for hydrogen storage. 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association, Houston, TX.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Zakharov, V. (2021). Assessment of Cavern Stability: Cavern Clusters Vs. Single Cavern. SMRI Spring Meeting, Virtual Conference.
Jacques, A., Jaffrezic, V., Serry, A. M., Nguyen, R., Bigno, Y., & Brouard, B. (2021). Exploiting Well Test-logging to endeavor mapping the cretaceous carbonates permeability, Offshore Abu Dhabi. SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, Boston, USA.


Gharbi, H., Bérest, P., Blanco-Martín, L., & Brouard, B. (2020). Determining upper and lower bounds for steady state strain rate during a creep test on a salt sample. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 134, 104452.
Asgari, A., Ramezanzadeh, A., Jalali, S. M. E., & Brouard, B. (2020). Stability Analysis of Salt Cavern Gas Storage Using 2D Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Finite-Element Software. Journal of Mining and Environment, 11(1).
Gharbi, H., Bérest, P., Blanco-Martín, L., & Brouard, B. (2020). Determining upper and lower bounds for steady state strain rate during a creep test on a salt sample. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 134, 104452.
Brouard, B., Zakharov, V., & Frangi, A. (2020). Full Geomechanical Modeling  and  Data Management of a Gas-Storage Facility Using LOCAS 3D. SMRI Fall Virtual Technical Conference, Virtual. 3D - SMRI Virtual 2020.pdf
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Réveillère, A. (2020). Maximum admissible pressure in salt caverns used for brine production and hydrocarbon storage. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies Nouvelles, 75, 76.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Zakharov, V., & Frangi, A. (2020). Full geomechanical modeling and data management of a gas-storage facility using LOCAS 3D. Proc. SMRI Virtual Conference.


Manivannan, S., Bérest, P., Jacques, A., Brouard, B., Jaffrezic, V., & De Greef, V. (2019, September). Permeability Logging through Constant Pressure Injection Test: In-Situ Methodology and Laboratory Tests. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Bérest, P., Gharbi, H., Brouard, B., Brückner, D., DeVries, K., Hévin, G., Hofer, G., Spiers, C., & Urai, J. (2019). Very Slow Creep Tests on Salt Samples. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52(9), 2917–2934.
Manivannan, S., Bérest, P., Jacques, A., Brouard, B., Jaffrezic, V., & De Greef, V. (2019). Permeability Logging through Constant Pressure Injection Test: In-situ Methodology and Laboratory tests. Proceedings of SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE-196116-MS.
Bérest, P., Gharbi, H., Brouard, B., Brückner, D., DeVries, K., Hévin, G., Hofer, G., Spiers, C., & Urai, J. (2019). Very Slow Creep Tests on Salt Samples. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52(9), 2917–2934.
Jacques, A., Brouard, B., Manivannan, S., Bérest, P., & Jaffrezic, V. (2019). Let’s Combine Well Testing and Logging: a Pre and Post Frac Shale Gas Field Case. Proceedings of SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTEC-2019-127-MS.
Jacques, A., Brouard, B., Manivannan, S., Berest, P., & Jaffrezic, V. (2019). Let’s Combine Well Testing and Logging: A Pre- and Post-Frac Gas Shale Case. Proceedings of the 7th Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
Asgari, A., Ramezanzadeh, A., Jalali, S. M. E., & Brouard, B. (2019). Stability Analysis of Salt Cavern Gas Storage Using 2D Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Finite-Element Software. Journal of Mining & Environment, 1, 77–97.
Bérest, P., Réveillère, A., Evans, D., & Stöwer, M. (2019). Review and analysis of historical leakages from storage salt caverns wells. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies Nouvelles, 74, 27.


Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Zakharov, V. (2018). “Tepid” Geysers above salt caverns. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 346(6), 423–431.
Manivannan, S., Barottin, J., Pierre, B., Brouard, B., de Greef, V., & Jacques, A. (2018). In-situ Permeability Test in a Salt Formation at Marboz, France. Proceedings of SMRI Fall 2018 Conference. SMRI Fall 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. et 2018.pdf
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Zakharov, V. (2018). “‘Tepid’” Geysers above salt caverns. Comptes Rendus Mecanique de l’Académie Des Sciences, 346, Pages 423-431.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Reveillere, A. (2018). L’étanchéité des stockages. Le cas des cavernes dans le sel. Géologues, Revue Officielle de La Société Géologique de France, Géosciences Appliquées., 196, 14–19. et al. Revue Geologues 2018.pdf
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Frangi, A. (2018). Failure mechanisms in a cycled gas cavern. Proc. 9th Conf. Mech. Beh of Salt, Hanover, Germany.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Réveillère, A. (2018). L’étanchéité des stockages. Le cas des cavernes dans le sel. Revue Officielle de La Société Géologique de France, Géosciences Appliquées. Numéro 196, Mars 2018, ISSN 0016.7916, 14-19.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Dufresnoy, M., & Metz, T. (2018). Questions raised by Gas Caverns Thermodynamics. 9th Salt Symposium, Park City, UT, USA.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Zakharov, V., Frangi, A., & Cremonesi, M. (2018). Introducing LOCAS 3D Application to the Geomechanical Modeling of an Oil-Storage Facility. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
Brouard, B., Manivannan, S., Barottin, J., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Greef, V. de, & Jacques, A. (2018). In-situ Permeability Test in a Salt Formation at Marboz, France. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Frangi, A. (2018). Failure mechanisms in a cycled gas cavern. Proceedings of 9th Conference Mechanical Behaviour of Salt. Saltmech IX - 9th Conference “Mechanical Behavior Of Salt,” Hannover, Germany. et al Paris 2012.pdf
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Dufresnoy, M., & Metz, T. (2018). Questions raised by Gas Caverns Thermodynamics. Proceedings of 9th Salt Symposium. 9th Salt Symposium, Park City, Utah, USA. et al - Questions Raised by Gas-Cavern Thermodynamics.pdf
Brouard, B., Zakharov, V., Frangi, A., & Cremonesi, M. (2018). Introducing LOCAS 3D Application to the Geomechanical Modeling of an Oil-Storage Facility. SMRI Fall Meeting, Belfast, Nothern Ireland. 3D - SMRI Belfast 2018.pdf
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Londe, & Réveillère, A. (2018). Compressed Air Energy Storage: are the market and technical knowledge ready? Wiley.


Bérest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2017). Geometrical versus rheological transient creep closure in a salt cavern. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 345(11), 735–741.
Manivannan, S., Jacques, A., Brouard, B., Bérest, P., de la Combe, J.-L. B., Jaffrezic, V., & Fleury, M. (2017, June). A Novel Injectivity and Permeability Log for Tight Reservoirs. SPE Europec Featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Checkai, D., Gharbi, H., Hart, D., & Zakharov, V. (2017). Salt-Fall Detection in Oil Storage Caverns. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Münster, Germany.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., Hertz, E., & Lheur, C. (2017). A cavern abandonment test at Gellenoncourt, Lorraine – An update. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Münster, Germany.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., Hertz, E., & Lheur, C. (2017). A cavern abandonment test at Gellenoncourt, Lorraine – An update. Proceedings of SMRI. SMRI Fall Meeting, Münster, Germany. et al Munster 2017.pdf
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Checkai, D., Gharbi, H., Hart, D., & Zakharov, V. (2017). Salt-Fall Detection in Oil Storage Caverns. SMRI Fall Meeting, Münster, Germany. et al Munster 2017.pdf
Manivannan, S., Jacques, A., Brouard, B., Bérest, P., Boutaud de la Combe, J.-L., Jaffrezic, V., & Fleury, M. (2017). A Novel Injectivity and Permeability Log for Tight Reservoirs. SPE Europec Featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, SPE-185860-MS.


Bérest, P., Sicsic, P., & Brouard, B. (2016, June). Thermomechanical Effects of Depressurization in a CAES. 50th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, Texas.
Bérest, P., Sicsic, P., & Brouard, B. (2016). Thermomechanical Effects of Depressurization in a CAES: Vol. 50th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Zakharov, V., & Daxner, G. (2016). Sounds Well System: Non-intrusive Monitoring of Leaching. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Salzburg, Austria.
Brouard, B., Zakharov, V., & Daxner, G. (2016). Sounds Well System: Non-intrusive Monitoring of Leaching. SMRI Fall Meeting, Salzburg, Austria. et al - Salzburg - 31 August 2016.pdf


Bérest, P., Béraud, J. F., Gharbi, H., Brouard, B., & DeVries, K. (2015). A Very Slow Creep Test on an Avery Island Salt Sample. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 48(6), 2591–2602.
Thoraval, A., Lahaie, F., Brouard, B., & Berest, P. (2015). A generic model for predicting long-term behavior of storage salt caverns after their abandonment as an aid to risk assessment. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 77, 44–59.
(2015). In Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VIII (pp. 211–220). CRC Press.
Wang, L., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2015). Mechanical Behavior of Salt Caverns: Closed-Form Solutions vs Numerical Computations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 48(6), 2369–2382.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Favret, F., Hévin, G., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2015). Maximum Pressure in Gas Storage Caverns. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Rochester, NY, USA.
Brouard, B., Manivannan, S., Brouard, B., & Berest, P. (2015). Effects of changes in the pressure and temperature of the testing fluid during a Liquid-Liquid MIT. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Santander, Spain.
Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Gharbi, H. (2015). Rheological and geometrical reverse creep in salt caverns. 10.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Favret, F., Hévin, G., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2015). Maximum Pressure in Gas Storage Caverns. SMRI Spring Meeting, Rochester, New York. et al Rochester 2015.pdf
Manivannan, S., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2015). Effects of changes in the pressure and temperature of the testing fluid during a liquid-liquid MIT. SMRI Fall Meeting, Santander, Spain. et al - Santander 2015.pdf
Thoraval, A., Lahaie, F., Brouard, B., & Bérest, P. (2015). A generic model for predicting long-term behavior of storage salt caverns after their abandonment as an aid to risk assessment. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 77, 44–59.
Wang, L., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2015). Mechanical Behavior of Salt Caverns: Closed-Form Solutions vs Numerical Computations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 48.


Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2014). Long-Term Behavior of Salt Caverns: Vol. 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Djakeun-Djizanne, H., & Hévin, G. (2014). Thermomechanical effects of a rapid depressurization in a gas cavern. Acta Geotechnica, 9(1), 181–186.
Djizanne, H., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2014). The Mechanical Stability of a Salt Cavern Used for Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES). SMRI Spring Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA. et al San Antonio 2014.pdf
Djizanne, H., Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Frangi, A. (2014). Blowout in salt caverns. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies Nouvelles.
Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2014, juin). Long-Term Behavior of Salt Caverns. 48th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Bérest, P., Béraud, J. F., Gharbi, H., Brouard, B., & DeVries, B. (2014, juin). A Very Slow Creep Test on an Avery Island Salt Sample. 48th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium.
Brouard, B., Djizanne, H., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2014). The mechanical stability of a salt cavern used for compressed air energy storage (CAES). SMRI Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Djizanne, H., Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Frangi, A. (2014). Blowout in Gas Storage Caverns. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies Nouvelles, 69(7), 1251–1267.


Brouard, B., Bérest, P., de Greef, V., Béraud, J. F., Lheur, C., & Hertz, E. (2013). Creep closure rate of a shallow salt cavern at Gellenoncourt, France. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 62, 42–50.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Djakeun-Djizanne, H., & Hévin, G. (2013). Thermomechanical effects of a rapid depressurization in a gas cavern. Acta Geotechnica, 9(1), 181–186.
Bérest, P., Djizanne, H., Brouard, B., & Hévin, G. (2013). Effects of a Rapid Depressurization in a Salt Cavern: Vol. All Days.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Hertz, E., Lheur, C., Hévin, G., de Laguérie, P., & Hardy, J.-M. (2013). Cavern abandonment: three in situ tests. SMRI Fall Meeting. et al Avignon 2013.pdf
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., de Greef, V., Béraud, J.-F., Lheur, C., & Hertz, E. (2013). Creep closure rate of a shallow salt cavern at Gellenoncourt, France. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 62, 42–50.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Djizanne, H., & Hévin, G. (2013). Effects of a rapid depressurization in a salt cavern. Proceedings of 3rd ISRM Symposium. The 3rd ISRM Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Shangai, China.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Djizanne, H., & Hévin, G. (2013). Thermo-mechanical effects of a rapid depressurization in a gas cavern. Proceedings of 3rd Sino-German Conference. 3rd Sino-German Conference, Goslar, Germany.
Bérest, P., Djizanne, H., Brouard, B., & Frangi, A. (2013). A Simplified Solution For Gas Flow During a Blow-out in an H2 or Air Storage Cavern. Proceedings of SMRI. SMRI Spring Meeting, Lafayette, USA.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Hertz, E., Lheur, C., Hévin, G., Laguérie, P. de, & Hardy, J. M. (2013). Cavern abandonment: Three in situ tests. Proc. SMRI Meeting, Avignon, France.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Djizanne, H., Brouard, B., & Frangi, A. (2013). A simplified solution for gas flow during a blow-out in an H2 or air storage cavern. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Lafayette, LA, USA.
Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2013). Mines et cavités salines. In Manuel de Mécanique des Roches: Vol. III (pp. 155–190). Presses des Mines.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Feuga, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2013). Un effondrement à la mine de sel de Varangéville en 1873. In Manuel de Mécanique des Roches: Vol. III (pp. 19–29). Presses des Mines.


Berest, P., Béraud, J. F., Bourcier, M., Dimanov, A., Gharbi, H., Brouard, B., Devries, K., & Tribout, D. (2012). Very slow creep tests on rock samples. In P. Bérest, M. Ghoreychi, F. H. Hassen, & M. Tijani (Eds.), Mechanical Behavior of Salt VII (pp. 81–88). Taylor & Francis Group. Download
(2012). In Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII (pp. 395–404). CRC Press.
Djizanne, H., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2012). Tensile Effective Stresses in Hydrocarbon Storage Caverns. Proceedings of SMRI Fall Meeting. SMRI Fall Meeting, Bremen, Germany.
Asgari, A., Ramezanzadeh, A., Jalali, S. M. E., & Brouard, B. (2012). Stability Analysis of Natural-Gas Storage Caverns in Salt Formations. Proceedings of SMRI Fall 2012 Technical Conference. SMRI Fall 2012 Technical Conference, Bremen, Germany.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., de Greef, V., Gary, G., & Crabeil, J.-P. (2012). Sounds good? Determination of a Gas/Brine Interface by an Acoustic Method at Manosque. SMRI Fall Meeting, Bremen, Germany. et al - Bremen 2012.pdf
Djizanne, H., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2012). Effets mécaniques d’une détente dans une caverne de stockage de gaz. Proceedings of JNGG2012. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur (JNGG2012), Bordeaux, France.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., de Greef, V., Gary, G., Gillard, P., & Valette, M. (2012). Set-up of a broken-casings detection system. SMRI Spring Meeting.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., Djizanne, H., & Frangi, A. (2012). Mechanical stability of a salt cavern submitted to high-frequency cycles. Proceedings of 7th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt. 7th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt, Paris.
Bérest, P., Béraud, J.-F., Bourcier, M., Dimanov, A., Gharbi, H., Brouard, B., DeVries, K., & Tribout, D. (2012). Very slow creep tests on rock samples. Proceedings of 7th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt. 7th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt, Paris, France.
Bérest, P., Djizanne, H., Brouard, B., & Hévin, G. (2012). Rapid depressurization: can they lead to irreversible damage? SMRI Spring Meeting.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., Greef, V. de, Gary, G., Gillard, P., & Valette, M. (2012). Set-up of a broken casing detection system. Proc. SMRI Meeting, Regina, Canada.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Djizanne, H., Brouard, B., & Hévin, G. (2012). Rapid Depressurizations: can they lead to irreversible damage? SMRI Spring Meeting, Regina, Canada.
Brouard, B., Pellizzaro, C., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2012). Nouvelles problématiques posées par le cyclage thermomécaniques en cavités salines. Proc. JNGG 2012, Bordeaux, France.
Brouard, B., Djizanne, H., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2012). Tensile effective stresses in hydrocarbon storage caverns. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Bremen, Germany.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., Greef, V. de, Gary, G., & Crabeil, J.-P. (2012). Sounds good? Determination of a Gas/Brine Interface by an Acoustic Method at Manosque. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Bremen, Germany.
Brouard, B., Djizanne, H., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2012). Effets mécaniques d’une détente dans une caverne de stockage de gaz. Proc. JNGG 2012, Bordeaux, France.
Pellizzaro, C., Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2012). Nouvelles problématiques posées par le cyclage thermo-mécanique en cavités salines. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur JNGG2012.


Bérest, P., Béraud, J.-F., de Greef, V., Brouard, B., Hertz, E., & Lheur, C. (2011). Creep closure rate of a shallow salt cavern. 12th Int. Congress on Rock Mechanics (ISMR), Beijing, China.
Brouard, B., Frangi, A., & Bérest, P. (2011). Mechanical Stability of a Cavern Submitted to High-Frequency Cycles. SMRI Spring Meeting, Galveston, TX.
Bérest, P., Béraud, J.-F., de Greef, V., Brouard, B., Hertz, E., & Lheur, C. (2011). Creep closure rate of a shallow cavern. SMRI Spring Meeting, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Hévin, G. (2011). Twelve-year monitoring of the idle Etrez salt cavern. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 48(1), 168–173.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Frangi, A. (2011). Mechanical stability of a cavern submitted to high-frequency cycles. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Galveston, TX, USA.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Gatelier, N., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Djizanne, H. (2011). Multi-Cycle Gas Storage in salt caverns. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, York, UK.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Beraud, J.-F., Greef, V. de, Brouard, B., Hertz, E., & Lheur, C. (2011). Creep Closure Rate of a shallow Cavern. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Galveston, TX, USA.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Pellizzaro, C. (2011). Thermomechanical aspects of high frequency cycling in salt storage caverns. International Gas Union Research Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Karimi-Jafari, M., Gatelier, N., Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Djizanne, H. (2011). Multi-cycle gas storage in salt caverns. SMRI Fall Meeting, York, UK.


Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2010). The effect of small deviatoric stresses on cavern creep behavior. 9th Int. Symp. on Salt, 125–141.
Jacques, A., Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Boutaud de la Combe, J.-L. (2010, September). A New Cost Effective Well Testing Methodology for Tight Gas Reservoirs. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Hévin, G. (2010). The Etrez abandonment field tests. SMRI Technical class, Leipzig, Germany.
Brouard, B., & Bérest, P. (2010). The Carresse abandonment field tests. SMRI Technical Class 2010, Leipzig, Germany.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Feuga, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2010). L’effondrement de 1873 à la mine de Varangéville. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 131–132, 105–117.
Bérest, P., Béraud, J. F., Brouard, B., Blum, P. A., Charpentier, J. P., de Greef, V., Gharbi, H., & Valès, F. (2010). Very slow creep tests on salt samples. EPJ Web of Conferences, 6, 22002.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Hévin, G. (2010). A 12-year cavern abandonment test. EPJ Web of Conferences, 6, 22003.
Brouard, B., Lestringant, C., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2010). Thermomechanical Effects in Compressed air storage (CAES). Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Leipzig, Germany.
Brouard, B., Hévin, G., Pellizaro, C., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2010). 12-year pressure monitoring in an idle salt cavern – the 1997-1998 Etrez abandonment test revisited. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Grand Junction, CO, USA.
Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2010). Field testing issues relative to the long term abandonment of salt caverns. SMRI Technical Class, Leipzig, Germany.
Lestringant, C., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2010). Thermo-mechanical effects in Compressed Air Storage (CAES). SMRI Fall Meeting, Leipzig, Germany.
Brouard, B. (2010). Using LOCAS software to predict the long-term behavior of salt caverns. SMRI Technical Class, Leipzig, Germany.
Jacques, A., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Boutaud de la Combe, J.-L. (2010). A New Cost-Effective Well-Testing Methodology for Tight Gas Reservoirs. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Feuga, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2010). L’effondrement de 1873 à la mine de Varangéville. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 131–132, 105–117.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Hévin, G. (2010). A 12-year long cavern abandonment test. Proceedings of ICEM 14, 6.
Bérest, P., Béraud, J.-F., Brouard, B., Blum, P.-A., Charpentier, J.-P., de Greef, V., Gharbi, H., & Valès, F. (2010). Very slow creep tests on rock samples. EPJ Web of Conferences, 6, 22002.
Brouard, Benoît, Bérest, P., de Greef, V., Béraud, J.-F., Lheur, C., & Hertz, E. (2010). A cavern abandonment program in a CSME cavern at Gellenoncourt (France). Proceedings of SMRI. SMRI Spring Meeting, Grand Junction, Colorado.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Hévin, G., & Pellizzaro, C. (2010). 12-year pressure monitoring in an idle salt cavern — The 1997-1998 Etrez abandonment test revisited. Proceedings of SMRI Spring Meeting 2010. SMRI Spring Meeting 2010, Grand Junction, Colorado.


Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2009). Why MIT interpretations can be wrong: apparent and actual leaks. 9th Int. Symp. on Salt, Beijing, 1–16.
Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2009). Why MIT interpretations can be wrong: apparent and actual leaks. 9th International Symposium on Salt, Beijing, China.
Brouard, B., Lheur, C., Hertz, E., Bérest, P., de Greef, V., & Béraud, J.-F. (2009). A brine outflow test in a Gellenoncourt cavern. Proceedings of SMRI. SMRI Spring Meeting, Krakow, Poland.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Lheur, C., Hertz, E., Berest, P., Greef, V. de, & Beraud, J.-F. (2009). A brine outflow test in a Gellenoncourt cavern. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Krakow, Poland.


Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Van Sambeek, L. (2008). Interpretation Of Mechanical Integrity Tests: Vol. All Days.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Feuga, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2008). The 1873 collapse of the Saint-Maximilien panel at the Varangeville salt mine. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 45(7), 1025–1043.
Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Van Sambeek, L. (2008). Interpretation of Mechanical Integrity Tests. Proceedings of 5th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS5), 1263–1270.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2008). The effect of small deviatoric stresses on cavern creep behavior. Proceedings of SMRI. SMRI Fall Meeting, Austin, TX.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Feuga, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2008). The 1873 collapse of the Saint-Maximilien panel at the Varangeville salt mine. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 45(7), 1025–1043.
Gatelier, N., You, T., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2008). Adiabatic temperature changes in an oil-filled cavern. Proceedings of SMRI Fall 2008. SMRI Fall 2008, Austin, Texas.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Feuga, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2008). The 1873 collapse at the Varangéville salt mine (L’effondrement de 1873 à la mine de Varangéville). Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur, JNGG’08, Nantes, France.
Feuga, B., Bérest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2008). Mechanical Behaviour of a Marly Floor in two Mines where Brine or Water was abundant. SMRI Spring Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2008). Subsidence, sinkholes and craters above salt caverns. SMRI Spring Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2008). Subsidence, sinkholes, and craters above salt caverns. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
Bérest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2008). Comportement mécanique à très long terme des mines et cavernes dans le sel gemme : loi de Norton-Hoff ou loi de Lemaître ? Revue Française de Géotechnique, 124, 45–59.
Brouard, B., Feuga, B., Berest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2008). Mechanical Behaviour of a Marly Floor in two Mines where Brine or Water was abundant. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Feuga, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2008). L’effondrement de 1873 à la mine de Varangéville. Actes Des Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur, JNGG’08, Nantes, France.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2008). The effect of small deviatoric stresses on cavern creep behavior. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Austin, TX, USA.
Brouard, B., Gatelier, N., You, T., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2008). Adiabatic temperature changes in an oil-filled cavern. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Austin, TX, USA.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2008). Long-term behaviour of salt mines and salt caverns: Norton-Hoff or Lemaitre model? (Comportement à très long terme des mines et cavernes dans le sel gemme : loi de Norton-Hoff ou loi de Lemaitre ?). Revue Française de Géotechnique, 124, 45–59.
Bérest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2008). Comportement mécanique à très long terme des mines et cavernes dans le sel gemme : loi de Norton-Hoff ou loi de Lemaître ? Revue Française de Géotechnique, 124, 45–59.


Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Van Sambeek, L. (2007). Transient behavior of salt caverns—Interpretation of mechanical integrity tests. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 44(5), 767–786.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Van Sambeek, L. (2007). Transient behavior of salt caverns—Interpretation of mechanical integrity tests. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 44(5), 767–786.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., & Durup, G. (2007). Pressure Build-up in a Sealed Cavern: Effect of a Gas Blanket. SMRI Spring Meeting, Basel, Switzerland.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2007). Thermal Effects in Salt Caverns. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Basel, Switzerland.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., & Durup, G. (2007). Pressure Build-up in a Sealed Cavern: Effect of a Gas Blanket. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Basel, Switzerland.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Berest, P. (2007). Onset of tensile effective stresses in gas storage caverns. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Halifax, Canada.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2007). Effect of natural convection on blanket dissolution rate in a cavern. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Halifax, Canada.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Bérest, P. (2007). Onset of tensile effective stresses in gas storage caverns.
Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2007). Effect of natural convection on blanket dissolution rate in a cavern. SMRI Fall Meeting, Halifax, Canada.
Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2007). Thermal Effects in Salt Caverns. SMRI Spring Meeting, Basel, Switzerland.


Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2006). Some Aspects of the Transient Behavior of Salt Caverns. Proceedings of SMRI. SMRI Fall Meeting, Rapid City, SD. et al Rapid City 2006.pdf
Bérest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (2006). Brine Warming in a Sealed Cavern: What can be done? SMRI Fall Meeting, Rapid City, SD.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., Caligaris, C., Frangi, A., Hévin, G., & Pichery, T. (2006). Numerical Computations of the Mechanical Behaviour of Cemented Casings Submitted to Large and Fast Pressure Variations. SMRI Fall Meeting, Rapid City, SD.
Bérest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., Brouard, B., & Bazargan, B. (2006). In situ Mechanical Tests in Salt Caverns. Proceedings of SMRI. Solution Mining Research Institute, Spring Technical Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., & Frangi, A. (2006). Using LOCAS Software to Better Understand the Behavior of Salt Caverns. SMRI Spring Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., & Frangi, A. (2006). Using LOCAS Software to Better Understand the Behavior of Salt Caverns. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., Brouard, B., & Bazargan, B. (2006). Deep salt-cavern abandonment. Proc. SMRI Spring Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2006). Some aspects of the transient behavior of salt caverns. SaltMech VI, Hanover, Germany.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Sambeek, L. V., & Bazargan, B. (2006). Assessment of Leaks in the vicinity of the casing of a Salt Cavern. JNGG, Lyon, France.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2006). Transient behavior of salt caverns. SMRI Fall Meeting, Rapid City, SD, USA.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., Caligaris, C., Hévin, G., & Pichery, T. (2006). Numerical computations of the mechanical behaviour of cemented casings submitted to large and fast pressure variations. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Rapid City, SD, USA.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (2006). Brine Warming in a Sealed Cavern: What can be done? Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Rapid City, SD, USA.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2006). Deep salt-cavern abandonment. 6th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt, Hannover, Germany.
Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Van Sambeek, L. (2006). Transient behaviour of salt caverns. 468.
Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Van Sambeek, L., & Bazargan, B. (2006). Evaluation des fuites autour du cuvelage d’une cavité de stockage dans le sel. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur - JNGG’ 2006, Lyon, France.


Karimi-Jafari, M., Van Sambeek, L., Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Bazargan, B. (2005). Behavior Interpretation Of Mechanical Integrity Tests. SMRI Fall Technical Meeting, Nancy, France. et al Nancy 2005.pdf
Karimi-Jafari, M., Bérest, P., Van Sambeek, L., Brouard, B., & Bazargan, B. (2005). Interpretation of Mechanical Integrity Tests. SMRI Fall Meeting, Nancy, France.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2005). Transient Behaviour of Underground Salt Caverns. Proceedings of McMat2005, 224.
de Greef, V., Malinsky, L., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2005). Permeability tests on hollow salt spheres. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2005). Transient Creep in Salt Caverns. McMat2005: Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Conf. on Mech. and Materials, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, Paper 224.
Bérest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2005). TRANSIENT CREEP IN SALT CAVERNS.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., & Brouard, B. (2005). Long-term behaviour of salt caverns. Geoph. Res. Abstr. EGU05-A-08225, Volume 7, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Karimi-Jafari, M. (2005). Deep salt cavern abandonment. Post-Mining 2005, Nancy, France.
Pierre, B., Benoit, B., & Mehdi, K. (2005). DEEP SALT CAVERNS ABANDONMENT.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Karimi-Jafari, M., Brouard, B., & Bazargan, B. (2005). In situ mechanical tests in salt caverns. SMRI Spring Meeting, Technical Class, Syracuse, NY, USA.
Brouard, B., Karimi-Jafari, M., Berest, P., Sambeek, L. V., Brouard, B., & Bazargan, B. (2005). Interpretation of Mechanical Integrity Tests. SMRI Fall Meeting, Nancy, France.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Greef, V. de. (2005). Permeability tests on hollow salt spheres. EGU05-A-08133, Volume 7, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.


Brouard, B., Bérest, P., Héas, J.-Y., Fourmaintraux, D., de Laguérie, P., & You, T. (2004). An in situ creep test in advance of abandoning a salt cavern. SMRI Fall Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
de Laguérie, P., Héas, J.-Y., Fourmaintraux, D., You, T., Brouard, B., & Bérest, P. (2004). Decommissioning and abandonment procedure of LPG caverns at Carresse. SMRI Fall Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Feuga, B. (2004). Abandon des mines de sel : faut-il ennoyer ? Revue Française de Géotechnique, 106–107, 53–71.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Feuga, B. (2004). Dry mine abandonment. SMRI Spring Meeting, Wichita, KS, USA.
Brouard, B., Laguérie, P. de, Héas, J.-Y., Fourmaintraux, D., You, T., Brouard, B., & Berest, P. (2004). Decommissioning and abandonment procedure of LPG caverns at Carresse. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., Héas, J.-Y., Fourmaintraux, D., Laguérie, P. de, & You, T. (2004). An in-situ creep test in advance of abandoning a salt cavern. Proc. SMRI Fall Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Feuga, B. (2004). Abandon des mines de sel : faut-il ennoyer ? Revue Française de Géotechnique, 106–107, 53–71.


Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2003). Safety of Salt Caverns Used for Underground Storage Blow Out; Mechanical Instability; Seepage; Cavern Abandonment. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 58(3), 361–384.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Feuga, B. (2003). Dry Mine Abandonment. SMRI Fall Conference, Chester, UK.
Kurosé, A., Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2003). Analytical methods for dynamic response of underground structures. VI Colloque National AFPS, Palaiseau, France.
Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2003). Safety of Salt Caverns Used for Underground Storage Blow Out; Mechanical Instability; Seepage; Cavern Abandonment. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 58(3), 361–384.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Feuga, B. (2003). Abandon des mines de sel : faut-il ennoyer ? Proceedings of Conférence Après-Mines. Conférence Après-Mines 2003, Nancy, France.
Brouard, B., Kurose, A., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2003). Analytical methods for dynamic response of underground structures. VI Colloque National AFPS, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Feuga, B. (2003). Abandon des mines de sel : faut-il ennoyer ? Conférence Après-Mines 2003, Nancy, France.


Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Durup, G. (2002). LOSAC: a first salt cavern abandonment software. SMRI Spring Meeting, Banff, Canada.
Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2002). Safety of salt caverns used for underground storage. 8th Portuguese Congress for Geotechnique, Lisbon, Portugal.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (2002). Tightness tests in salt-cavern wells. Proceedings of SMRI. SMRI Spring Meeting, Banff, Canada.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2002). Safety of salt caverns used for underground storage. 8th Portuguese Congress for Geotechnique, Lisbon, Portugal.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (2002). Tightness tests in salt-cavern wells. SMRI Spring Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Durup, G. (2002). LOSAC: a first salt cavern abandonment software. SMRI Spring Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada.


Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, J. G. (2001). Tightness Tests in Salt-Cavern Wells. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 56(5), 451–469.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, J. G., & Guerber, B. (2001). A salt cavern abandonment test. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 38(3), 357–368.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Durup, G. (2001). In-situ salt permeability testing. SMRI Fall Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, J. G. (2001). Tightness Tests in Salt-Cavern Wells. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 56(5), 451–469.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, J. G., & Guerber, B. (2001). A salt cavern abandonment test. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 38(3), 357–368.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (2001). Storage of tritiated water in salt caverns. 6th KIWIR - International Workshop on Key Issues in Waste Isolation Research, Paris, France.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Bergues, J., & Durup, G. (2001). Évolution de la pression dans une caverne remplie de fluide. 1st International Conference Albert Cacquot, Paris, France.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Durup, G. (2001). In-situ salt permeability testing. SMRI Fall Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (2001). Storage of tritiated water in salt caverns. 6th KIWIR - International Workshop on Key Issues in Waste Isolation Research, Paris, France.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Bergues, J., & Durup, G. (2001). Evolution de la pression dans une caverne remplie de fluide. 1st International Conference Albert Cacquot. 1st International Conference Albert Cacquot, Paris, France.


Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (2000). Shut-in pressure tests - case studies. SMRI Fall Meeting, San Antonio,TX.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (2000). Shut-in pressure tests - case studies. SMRI Fall Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.


Bérest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1999). Review of static and dynamic compressibility issues relating to deep underground salt caverns. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36(8), 1031–1049.
Berest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, J. G., & Guerber, B. (1999). An Abandonment Test On a Solution-mined Cavern: Vol. All Days.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Guerber, B. (1999). Une mesure de la perméabilité et du fluage d’une caverne dans le sel. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 329(2), 103–108.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1999). Review of static and dynamic compressibility issues relating to deep underground salt caverns. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36(8), 1031–1049.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Guerber, B. (1999). A measurement of creep and permeability of a salt cavern. Compte-Rendu de l’Académie Des Sciences, 329, 103–108.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Guerber, B. (1999). A salt-cavern abandonment test. SMRI Spring Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Guerber, B. (1999). An Abandonment Test on a Solution-mined Cavern. 9th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Paris, France.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Blum, P.-A. (1999). Effects of earth tides on an underground cavern. European Geophysical Society XXIX General Assembly, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Guerber, B. (1999). A salt-cavern abandonment test. SMRI Spring Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Bérest, P., Blum, P.-A., & Brouard, B. (1999). Effects of earth tides on an underground cavern. European Geophysical Society XXIX General Assembly. European Geophysical Society XXIX general assembly, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Guerber, B. (1999). Essai d’abandon d’une caverne dans le sel. 1.


Berest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1998, July). Static and Dynamic Compressibility of Deep Underground Caverns. SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering.
Brouard, B., & Bérest, P. (1998). A tentative classification of salts according to their creep properties. SMRI Spring Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (1998). Abandon des cavités salines. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 82, 23–36.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., & Berest, P. (1998). A tentative classification of salts according to their creep properties. SMRI Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., Bergues, J., & Duc, N. M. (1998). Static and dynamic compressibility of deep underground caverns. Colloque Mécanique et Géotechnique, Jubilé de Pierre Habib, Paris, France, Presses de l’Ecole Polytechnique.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Bergues, J., & Nguyen Minh, D. (1998). La compressibilité statique et dynamique des grandes cavités souterraines. Colloque Mécanique et Géotechnique, Jubilé de Pierre Habib, Paris, France.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (1998). Abandon des cavités salines. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 82, 23–36.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1998). Static and dynamic compressibility of deep underground caverns. Proceedings of SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering. SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering, Trondheim, Norway.


Bérest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1997). Oscillations anharmoniques dans les puits de cavités souterraines. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Chemistry-Astronomy, 325(12), 701–707.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Couteau, J. (1997). Influence of the leaching phase on the mechanical behavior of salt caverns. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 34(3–4), 26.e1-26.e15.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., Feugin, F., & Goldberg, J. (1997). Storage of tritiated waters in salt caverns. SMRI Fall Meeting, El Paso, TX.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Couteau, J. (1997). Influence of the leaching phase on the mechanical behavior of salt caverns. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 34(3–4), 26.e1-26.e15.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Couteau, J. (1997). Influence of the leaching phase on the mechanical behavior of salt caverns. SMRI Spring Meeting, Krakow, Poland.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1997). Phénomènes oscillatoires dans les cavités salines. Int. EMT’97 “Engineering Mechanics Today”, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Brouard, B., Bérest, P., & Bergues, J. (1997). Phénomènes oscillatoires dans les cavités salines. 13ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Poitiers.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Couteau, J. (1997). Influence of the leaching phase on the mechanical behavior of salt caverns. SMRI Spring Meeting, Krakow, Poland.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Bergues, J. (1997). Phénomènes oscillatoires dans les cavités salines. Actes 13ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Poitiers, France.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Beugin, F., & Goldberg, J. (1997). Storage of tritiated waters in salt caverns. SMRI Fall Meeting, El Paso, TX, USA.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., Bergues, J., Frelat, J., & Durup, G. (1997). Salt caverns and the compressibility factor. SMRI Fall Meeting, El Paso, TX, USA.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Frelat, J., & Durup, G. (1997). Salt caverns and the compressibility factor. SMRI Fall Meeting, El Paso, TX.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Couteau, J. (1997). Influence of the leaching phase on the mechanical behavior of salt caverns. NYROCK’S 97, 36th US Rock Mech. Symp., ISRM, NY, USA.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1997). Vibrations et oscillations des fluides dans les cavernes de stockage d’hydrocarbures. Conf. Int. EMT’97 “Engineering Mechanics Today.”
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1997). Anharmonic oscillations in underground cavities. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Des Sciences, série II b, 701–707.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Bergues, J. (1997). Phénomènes oscillatoires dans les cavités salines. 13ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 1.


Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (1996). Behavior of Sealed Solution-mined Caverns: Vol. All Days.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1996). Vibrations and free oscillations in salt caverns. Proceedings of SMRI Fall Meeting. SMRI Fall Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (1996). Behavior of sealed solution-mined caverns. Proceedings of 4th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt. Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt, Montreal, Canada.
Bérest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Guerber, B. (1996). A tentative evaluation of the MIT. SMRI Spring Meeting.
Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (1996). Behavior of sealed solution-mined caverns. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 511–524.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (1996). Abandon des cavités de stockage dans le sel. Session “Stockage En Souterrain : Développements Récents”, Ecole Nationale Des Ponts et Chaussées. Ponts Formation Ed., Paris, France.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Bergues, J., Brouard, B., Durup, G., & Guerber, B. (1996). A tentative evaluation of the M.I.T. SMRI Spring Meeting, Houston, TX, USA.
Brouard, B., Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Durup, G. (1996). Behavior of sealed solution-mined caverns. SaltMech IV, Montreal, Canada.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Bergues, J., & Brouard, B. (1996). Vibrations and free oscillations in salt caverns. SMRI Fall Meeting, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Bérest, P., & Brouard, B. (1996). Abandon des cavités de stockage dans le sel. Session “Stockage En Souterrain : Développements Récents”, Ecole Nationale Des Ponts et Chaussées. ENPC 1996, Paris, France.


Bérest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (1995). Some comments on the MIT test. Proceedings of SMRI. SMRI Fall Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Blum, P.-A., & Brouard, B. (1995). Mesure des déformations d’une caverne induites par les marées terrestres. Congrès “Problèmes Mécaniques Actuels de l’Ingénieur”, Hanoï, Vietnam.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., & Brouard, B. (1995). Behavior of sealed solution-mined caverns. SMRI Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Brouard, B., Berest, P., Brouard, B., & Durup, G. (1995). Some comments on the M.I.T. SMRI Fall Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Cosenza, P., & Brouard, B. (1995). Long term behavior of sealed solution-mined caverns. 8th ISRM International Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Bérest, P., Blum, P.-A., & Brouard, B. (1995). Mesure des déformations d’une caverne induites par les marées terrestres. Congrès “Problèmes Mécaniques Actuels de l’Ingénieur,” Hanoi, Vietnam.